SuperTrend is one of the most common ATR based trailing stop indicators. In this version you can change the ATR calculation method from the settings. Default method is RMA, when the alternative method is SMA. The indicator is easy to use and gives an accurate reading about an ongoing trend. It is constructed with two parameters, namely period and multiplier. 天眼查为您提供Zerodha公司概况:Zerodha是一个提供股票交易信息和功能的在线网站。Zerodha是一家印度金融服务公司,提供零售和机构经纪,分销和交易服务。该公司还开发市场数据研究和分析工具。。查公司,查老板,查关系就上天眼查。 Identify all companies classified locally as Small Cap that returned EPS growth rates in the highest 20% in their local market as well as an historical EPS growth rate of greater than 20%. Stock Screener - research and filter stocks based on key parameters and metrics such as stock price, market cap, dividend yield and more.
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The Intraday Stock Screener is designed to screen for stocks using as many or as few parameters as you wish to define. All parameters default to none.
Stock Screener - research and filter stocks based on key parameters and metrics such as stock price, market cap, dividend yield and more. Free Stock Screener – MarketWatch The Intraday Stock Screener is designed to screen for stocks using as many or as few parameters as you wish to define. All parameters default to none.